Fun Facts about Bubble Tea

Fun Facts about Bubble Tea

A drink that is fun to eat! Bubble tea, the name given to the popular tea drink that is widely appreciated in the countries of Southeast Asia and in Asian suburbs in the West, has been taking people away from the trendy coffee drinks. It is a tea drink whose composition is not easily fathomed by the traditional tea drinkers. Bubble tea is typically made of brewed tea, sugar, milk, and the black tapioca balls. There are as many variations of the drink as the number of shops selling them. It seems that every tea shop has its own formula of making this exquisite drink.

You can enhance your enjoyment of this fun drink by knowing some facts about the bubble tea:

Origin – Bubble tea is traced to Taiwan, a nation of tea-drinking people. The common belief is that Lin Hsiu Hui, the product manager of a local tea house Shui Tang, playfully poured her tapioca pudding on the iced tea she was drinking during a staff meeting. The playful antic resulted in the now world-famous bubble tea that can be drunk and eaten at the same time.

The “Bubble” – The term bubble tea is both a euphemism and an unfortunate translation resulting in many people thinking that “bubble” refers to the tapioca balls. In reality, the “bubble” refers to the foam that forms at the top of the tea after it is shaken to enhance the flavor. The rule of thumb is for the drink to be shaken, not stirred, hence the formation of the “bubbles”.

The Tapioca Balls – The black balls that people chew on while drinking the concoction are made of cassava and sweet potato roots. The tapioca balls are typically white or translucent. They become dark with the addition of brown sugar in the cooking process. Other colors, such as green, orange, or red may also be used depending on the ingredients to be added to the tapioca.

Cooking the Tapioca Balls – The tapioca balls must have gummy bears consistency. When undercooked, they will be starchy. They will feel like gelatin when overcooked. For best results, tapioca balls must be cooked for fifteen to thirty minutes over medium heat, depending on what type of consistency you want. Smaller tapioca pearls will cook for a shorter period of time compared with larger tapioca peals. Cooked tapioca balls or pearls must be stored in the refrigerator soaked in water or syrup to prevent the pearls from sticking together.

Oversized Straws – The tapioca balls are about a centimeter in diameter, chewy on the inside but slippery on the outside. The balls are added to the drink to add texture, something to chew on while drinking the milk tea. There is a need for special, oversized straws to drink, and eat, the bubble tea. The straws are typically in bright, bold colors to add fun to bubble tea drinking.

All in one Snack – Consuming the beverage involved both drinking and chewing. After finishing a glass of bubble tea, the person feels full, making it as a complete snack.













Health Benefits of Black Tea in Bubble Tea

Benefits of Black Tea in Bubble Tea

Black tea and green tea are the common teas used when making Bubble Tea drinks. Green tea is the most popular type of tea used because of its widely documented health benefits and the sweet taste, but black tea also has health benefits! Learn what are the benefits of black tea in Bubble Tea are and you may consider replacing your green tea with black tea in your Boba drink.

Black tea is a type of tea that comes from a shrub called Camellia sinesis. It is to be noted that green, oolong, and white teas are also from the same shrub. They only vary in the manner they processed into tea. The tea leaves are withered, rolled, heated, and fermented before the final heating process in producing black tea. Black tea is more oxidized than the other varieties of tea.

In China and in the neighboring Korea and Japan, all tea drinking countries, black tea is known as “red tea” because of the color of the liquid. The tea is referred to as “black tea” in the West in reference to the color of the oxidized leaves.

Black tea retains its flavor for several years, compared to the green and other tea varieties that lose their flavor within the year. Such long storage life of black tea accounts for its huge popularity, despite the recent resurgence of the popularity of green tea. Black tea accounts for over ninety percent of all tea sold in the Western hemisphere.

Benefits of Drinking Black Tea

Black tea is a famous beverage in the planet not only because of its flavor and aroma but also because of its benefits to human health, as follows:

  • Healthy heart – Studies have shown that people, regardless of race or culture, who consume 3 or more cups of black tea a day, have a 21% lower risk of stroke than people who consume less than 1 cup of black tea a day.
  • Antioxidants – Black tea contains polyphenols, antioxidants that protect the body against toxic chemicals. The antioxidants in black tea are different from those found in vegetables and fruits. Adding polyphenols as part of the daily intake provides added protection to the body, resulting in a healthier lifestyle. Studies also suggest that the antioxidants in black tea may help prevent certain types of cancer. It is suggested that women who regularly consume black tea have lower risk of ovarian cancer than their non-tea drinking counterparts.
  • Improved immune system – Black tea contains alkylamine antigens that boost the body’s immune response. It also contains tannins that fight viruses and keep the body protected from influenza, stomach flu, and other commonly found viruses in the everyday life.
  • Oral health – Studies suggest that drinking black tea reduces the formation of plaque and minimizes the formation of cavities and tooth decay. The polyphenols in black tea are known to combat and suppress cavity-causing bacteria. It also deters the growth of bacterial enzymes that trigger the formation of the material that binds plaque to the teeth. Regular consumption of black tea is a key to maintaining oral health.
  • Increased energy – Black tea contains low amounts of caffeine that can enhance blood flow to the brain without over-stimulation of the heart. The low caffeine level in black tea also stimulates the metabolic and respiratory systems, the heart and the kidneys without the ill effects of high caffeine content present in some beverages.

There are other beneficial effects of drinking black tea but the most important benefit drinking black tea can bring is the happiness factor. A perfect cup of tea makes you smile and prepares you to face the challenges of the day. Next time ask for your bubble tea drink to be made with black tea instead of green tea and enjoy the health benefits!

How to Steep Tea used to Make Bubble Tea Drinks

How to Steep Tea used to Make Bubble Tea Drinks

Creating great tasting tea is a key element to achieving making the ideal Bubble Tea drink. This means then that steeping tea that you use in  your bubble tea drinks is very important. Learn the key elements and steps to steep the tea used to make bubble tea drinks.

Steeping is the process of extracting flavors or softening of a solid by soaking it in liquid. With reference to tea, steeping is the preparation of the beverage by soaking the tea leaves in hot water to release the nutrients and tea flavor. Dried tea leaves, whether loose or in tea bags, is prepared by steeping in either heated or just boiled water. Steeping tea can be done in any tea container such as a cup, a teapot, a pitcher, or a tea urn. An infuser or strainer can help make tea steeping a lot more convenient.

Guide to Steeping Tea

The flavor and nutrients of the tea can fully be extracted when steeping is done correctly. The following must be observed when steeping tea:

  • Amount of tea – The amount of tea is always a personal choice of the drinker. The rule of thumb is to use one or two teaspoons for every 8 ounces of water but the amount varies depending of the preference of the drinker and the type of tea being used.
  • Water temperature – It is very important in preparing a good cup of tea. Water must be boiled to 212°F (100°C) and allowed to cool down a bit before steeping the tea. Water temperature, however, differs depending on the type of tea. The following tea types must be steeped under the following conditions:
    • Black tea – Steep half teaspoon of tea in a cup of water at 205°F for three minutes.
    • Green tea – Steep one teaspoon of tea in a cup of water at 175°F for three to four minutes.
    • Oolong tea – Steep half teaspoon of tea in a cup of water at 195°F for three to six minutes.
    • White tea – Steep one teaspoon of tea in a cup of water at 185°F for seven to nine minutes.
    • Red tea – Steep half teaspoon of tea in a cup of water at 205°F for three to seven minutes.
    • Yellow tea – Steep half teaspoon of tea in a cup of water at 195°F for three to six minutes.
    • Honeybush tea – Steep one teaspoon of tea in a cup of water at 205°F for five to eight minutes.
    • Rooibos tea – Steep one teaspoon of tea in a cup of water at 205°F for three to five minutes.

Steeping Methods

There are different methods of steeping tea, ranging from personal consumption to commercial use:

  • Teacup steeping – Tea leaves, preferably in a tea bag, are allowed to soak in hot water in a cup until ready for drinking. The length of time for soaking depends on the preference of the drinker as more time means stronger and bitter tea.
  • Teapot steeping – Steeping tea leaves in a teapot allows the leaves to unfurl and release flavor and aroma. This is considered to be the best way of steeping tea for personal consumption. However, leaving the brew for prolonged period in the teapot will result to bitter tea.
  • Tea ball or mesh infuser – A tea ball or mesh infuser is made of aluminum or stainless steel to hold the tea leaves during the steeping process. Both allow for easier cleaning but the disadvantage is that the tea leaves do not fully expand during the steeping process, resulting in less flavor and aroma.
  • Basket filter and tea socks – Basket filters are plastic or aluminum basket that fit the teapot to allow the free circulation of the tea leaves during the steeping process. Tea socks are of the same construction but made of fabric. There must be one tea sock for every type of tea to avoid mixing flavors and aroma.

Drinking tea is an important ritual in different cultures. Create your own personal ritual and enjoy your favorite bubble tea beverage!






What is Bubble Tea

Bubble Tea is the popular Asian drink that is taken over the world! Bubble Tea drinks have the sweet and delicious tapiocas balls on the bottom that you need a large straw to suck up. The cold drinks mixed with the chewy tapioca pearls is a perfect combination. There are 4 types of bubble tea drinks: Smoothies, Slushies, Flavored Teas and Milk Teas. You can pair these bubble tea drinks with tapioca pearls, jelly, popping pearls, jam, etc. The combinations and ideas are endless!